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David Beckham arrived @ Budapest!

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You won’t meet him on the streets of Budapest … But … No need to worry you can be sure he will showup @ Madame Tussand’s Wax Museum!

David Beckham name … the worlds most famous athlets, fashion icons and media stars is probably hardly by anyone who has not heard of him or seen him playing at one of his footy match.

Beckham’s wax figure was borrowed from the Prague Madame Tussaud’s exhibition. He will be staying in Budapest for cca. 2 months so was told during the welcoming presentation at the Hungarian Madame Tussaud’s Museum – Palazzo Dorottya Street – Budapest. Also it was said that from time-to-time beside having 51 permanent figures, exclusive guests just as recently, the wax figure of the world fastest sprinter Usain Bolt, spent a few months here with the other celebrities .

Beckham’s skin is covered with more than 60 tattoos, which have special meanings. His first tattoo was Brooklyn – his son’s name, but his body features his favorit number 7, which was his jersey number, Chinese, Hebrew and Hindi characters, and the number 99, which refers to his marriage.
During the production of the figure of David Beckham, personally met the staff of Madame Tussauds, who had the opportunity to measure the world star’s body from head-to-toe. Thousands of biological data were recorded, from bone size to body weight to the athlete’s facial features. Beckham’s figure just like the other wax figures around the world were completed in a studio near London along with the involvement of visual artists, digital specialists and other experts.
The 115-time England International midfielder is now among the Lads in the Madame Tussauds Museum with Lionel Messi, Ronado, and keeping that in mind the Hungarian sporty legendFerenc Puskás the footy player (widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time and the sport’s first international superstar.) He was a forward and an attacking midfielder, he scored 84 goals in 85 international matches for Hungary and played four international matches for Spain. He became an Olympic champion in 1952 and led his nation to the final of the 1954 World Cup.

Beckham “calling” those folks who would like to meet the style icon athlete in a suit and tie. Beckham’s elegance outfit certainly matches his red carpet entrance … fans may stand beside him … also take a snap and enjoy their stay at the awesome wax figure around its special interiors.

Last but not least … mind you … you can inhale David Backham’s cologne by getting close enough to him.

Of course, you can meet several famous Hungarian and International celebrities in Budapest at the Hungarian Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.

Riport and snaps by Aggie Reiter