Author’s evening of Katalin Szlukovényi @ Budapest

Bodó Gallery and Auction House – Literary evening

November, 12. 2020. 7 p.m.

District, V., 24-26 Falk Miksa Str. Budapest

Katalin Szlukovényi (1977, Győr) Déry Tibor Prize winner, Radnóti Prize winner and Attila Gérecz Prize winner, as well as poet, translator, university lecturer and editor who received scholarships from Zsigmond Móricz and Mihály Babits. She graduated from ELTE BTK and Eötvös József Collegium with a degree in Hungarian-English, and then obtained a PhD degree at ELTE. She translates from English, German and French, mainly poems. Between 2017 and 2020, she was the literary editor of Móra  Publisher (Könyvkiadó). From 2018 she is an assistant professor at the Department of English Studies of Eötvös Loránd University.

She is the author of the monograph The Doubters: Irony, Self-Irony, and Humor in Twentieth-Century Jewish American Prose. Her latest volume of poems, Dream Kitchen, was published in 2020 for Poetry Day at “Jelenkor” Publishing House. Previous volumes of poetry: Experimental Rabbit Nose (2005), False Nostalgia (2013).

“The poetry of Katalin Szlukovényi creates an intimate closeness. She often begins his poems almost comfortably with ordinary situations, and then, with the next movement, sees the absurd, amusing, or ominous signs in them, and from there moves on to the unpredictable ending. “We talked about marriage on the study trail / fifth core leading to the Badacsony lookout tower”. Little is said of what the hikers said, but the exact geological description of the landscape suddenly begins to speak of the subsurface strata of human relationships. This bold polyphony requires exceptional technical knowledge. It is worth paying attention to the diversity of forms, the bold changes of style layers, the poetic references, the sure sense of proportion. But you need something more: playfulness and serenity that permeates every line of the volume. In the poems of the Dream Kitchen, a brilliant voice is completed, ”wrote Győző Ferencz about the volume Dream Kitchen.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Human Resources.

Admission is free. Due to the limited capacity of the gallery, please indicate your intention to participate by sending an email to

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