Posts Tagged ‘mATRIX – latest 4K version’

The 25-year-old Matrix 4K version is coming to Budapest’s cinemas again this year!


For over just one week, celebrating the cult work’s quarter-century anniversary in a dignified way, by the Pannónia Movie Ltd. Whether already seen the movie wayback the classic 1999  film … never mind … for those who have seen the movie wayback will be a time trip and for those probably be stuck in a cinema seat who are seeing it for the first time. Have had been revolutionized several aspects of the film industry yet its still felt today. Will be on screem at two Budapest cinemas during the first week of the summer, beginning on May 30.

The questioning of its originality was already a topic at the time of its premiere, since in addition to the 136-minute sci-fi, two other titles dealt with the theme of virtual reality simulation in the same year, namely 13th Floor and David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ – The Game of Life, moreover, all three Within 2 months, it debuted in English-speaking territories.

Of course, the topic is only one thing, the Wachowskis didn’t invent the various visual solutions themselves (John Woo had a great influence on them), they just knew how to use them so well that the Matrix rightly jumps in right away if  (editor”Q” … remember the time-slowing bullet time effect, 25 years ago was out of space on screen). Anyway, there was a similar one in Penge a year earlier …  just a reminder of the camera movement that freezes the image and goes around with shots taken by cameras at the same moment. The birth of the term bullet time itself is already associated with the film, and although Hollywood also used it fondly – not only as a parody – it eventually found a serious afterlife in the gaming industry with classics such as the Max Payne trilogy or Need for Speed: Most Wanted from 2005.

The breathtaking visual effects have aged perfectly well, especially in today’s already overused CGI ocean, which often produces worse-looking final results, despite the fact that two and a half decades have passed. That is why, in addition to all the iconic elements and visible parts of the Matrix, it is still a refreshing sight on the big screen, assails our ears with even more memorable music and sound effects, with so many hit-list songs.

There is hardly any need to dwell on the actors and the story for such an influential work. Although its sequels are strongly divisive, the first part celebrating the anniversary is surrounded by unanimous love. In order to provide the greatest possible experience on the cinema screen in 2024, the cult film, which won 4 Oscars out of its 4 nominations, will be screened in the latest 4K version.

From May 30 to June 5, it will be possible to indulge in nostalgia in two different formats, or to experience the pill selection on the big screen for the first time. Ticket can be purchased for synchronized performances at the Lurdy Cinema, and subtitled performances at the Cinema MOM.

An age-restricted movie, therefore above 16 yrs.

Recommendation by Aggie Reiter