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World’s Mummies Come “Alive” @ Budapest

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Komplex Event
District, VI., 26. Király Street – Budapest

Stroll back in time on history lane. walk through the corridors at the sophisticated unique exhibition where more than thousand years old mummies show 100 origins of artifacts, at 220 square meters venue. The exhibition opens the world of human and animal mammals and finds from borrowed domestic and international museums, solitary collections, universities and scientific institutes from universities, scientific organizations and private collectors from around the world.

At the opening Dániel Bátyi, Managing Director of JVS Group Hungary Ltd said Q: “We are proud of the fact that after the success  brought alive of the Titanic and BODY,exhibitions to the Hungarian and foreigner audiences. We believe that many people enjoyed, learnt from that show and will enjoy their ride at the Mystery World of Mummies Exhibition which opened its doors from tomorrow on Thursday, August 16. 2018. This exhibition yet is the one-and-only in Budapest after its first exclusive exhibition in Europe  at Praha, by the JVS Group,

This exhibition of the largest collection of its kind – a real world sensation. The exhibition has never been so far in unprecedented form of presentation. Most of the people when hearing the word “Mummies” right away think of the mummies of Egypt. Never-the-less here at the exhibition they will  have the opportunity to discover the history world of  the preserved mummies from all over the earth even mummies remains before Egypt’s era. The exhibition shows the proportions not seen mummies from Egypt. May also experience through the time zones of the early South American cultures, the European Middle Ages until the 18th century to Hungary.

On the venue the visitors will see two kind of mummies: The artificial mummified bodies and natural mummies. The natural mummies exist in nature preventing decomposition of the bodies: in desert heat, hot and dry sand, O2-free or extremely salty environment, perennial cold, frost, ice and cold wind and constant air flow. The artificial mummies were prepared by the procedure of mummified knowledge individuals.  In Tibet the ground was too cold and hard to dig pits, therefore the bodies were dismembered and left away far from the villages to be consumed by the nature. The Native Americans i.e. Ojibwe, Crow or Dakota built burial scaffolds, instead of digging pits for their dead.

The artificially mummified bodies from South American are such as the famous “basket mummies”, as well as many ancient Egyptian remnants, with their relevant memories, coffins, and tools that tell how members of this civilization were thinking about death. The so-called “Maryland mummy” is also part of the show. An American man offered his body to scientists after his death using ancient Egyptian tools and methods to mummify him.

The Neanderthals started to bury their dead 50.000 yrs. ago. Some were found in France and Iraq. The Vikings buried their prominent dead in a real or symbolic ship with great amount of burial goods. New Guinea the Dani and Anga people respected ancestors bodies over open fire. Judaism burial rituals known as Chabad. The funeral has to take place as soon as possible. The body is washed, clad in a modest white shroud, not distinguishing whether rich or poor and buried in a simple pine coffin. The Christian funeral rites vary accordingly to the denomination but in general the body was buried without any goods but the cross or religious symbol be included. The people inhabiting the Aleut Islands mummified the dead by removing internal organs. The Islam (tradition partly similar to the Judaism) says when a person dies, the dead should be bathed and buried on the same day before the sunset, covering the body in shroud. The Hindus after the cleaning rituals traditionally cremated then scatter the ashes River Ganges, and the children and the saints were buried in the ground. Victorian England (1837-1901) At the time being was subject to the strict etiquette of the society. The house of the deceased pulled the curtains down, stopped the clock and covered the mirrors etc. South-America was long before the land, the birthplace of mummification known 6500 yrs. ago, i.e. 2000 years older than the first Egyptian mummies. In Peru prepared mummy bundles 400 yrs. BC. Mummification in China one of the best-known mummies from China is Lady Dai  in a monumental tomb with extensive burial goods. Mummies from Japan,  the “Sokushinbutsu” a term for Buddhist monk whom attended Buddhahood during the ritual practice of self-mummification. This ritual started in China about in the 8th-9th century.The ritual was preformed by Buddhist monks of China, Japan and Vietnam between the 12th -15th century. Last but not least the mummification in ancient Egypt, known for its long history more than three millennia, known as natural mummification in the western desert. Also known the Pyramids of ancient Egypt whereas graves were in use to bury the dead of important individuals.
The Mummy Mania became in Britain became popular between the rich aristocrats, whereas held mummy unwrapping session at the afternoon teas. They believed to be endowed with healing properties, since been preserved in good condition. The European doctors used medicine made of mummies to cure different ailments. At ppaintings from the 18th century was in use of brown pigment made from Egyptian mummies.

Continued … Part2

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