Budapest’s Operetta Theater Favors Families Premieres 2024-2025 Season.

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The repertoire of the Budapest Operett Theater will be expanded next season with three new performances such as the Family season, Imre Kálmán’s popular grand operetta. In addition to Gyula Harangozó’s dance play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The play will be presented for the first time on February, 11 and 12. 2025. According to the director of the fairy-tale ballet, Snow Whte is the most successful Hungarian stage work abroad in recent decades, and has already been performed in many countries around the world. The operetta musical Cinderella by Péter Pejtsik and János Dénes Orbán (production on main stage between November, 15 and 16. 2025.) who also wrote The Magician of the Orfeum, will also come to life on the stage at the The Magician of the Orfeum, These fairy tale productions are very spectacular performance, which will appeal to both adults and children.

Just a minute in breif … The fairy tale Cinderella which is still ongoing across Europe, with more than 500 versions of the same story. Among the most famous the tale of Cindarella was recorded by the Brothers Grimm.

The version that most of us know today thanks to Disney , the 1950 Disney fairy tale. The story of Cinderella is, of course, much older than the Disney adaptation. According to the researchers, the origin of the story was born more than 2000 years ago. Namely, in the area of ​​Hellas, where BC 6-7. century, the basis of the tale may have been formed. However, it was recorded only in BC. It took place in the 1st century. Strabo’s heroine – who was a courtesan – was called Rhodopis, and she does not leave her shoes, but is taken by an eagle. The bird of prey flies it across the entire Mediterranean Sea and drops it into the lap of the Egyptian king. Of course, the monarch will not rest until he finds the footwear’s original owner, whom he marries and makes her the queen. However, the animated cartoon watered down the story quite a bit. From the 17th century in France Cinderella version was by Charles Perrault’s published in 1697. May seems for many a surprize the fact that the Chinese fairy tale was the first production every. The ancient version of the story can also be found still in China, where the protagonist is referred to as Ye Hsien. Cinderella.

Back to the press conference … This year’s season ends with success at the Operetta Theater, which goal to be an island of love and peace in a world where the crackling of guns never stops,” emphasized Kiss-B. Atilla Kossuth and Ferenc Liszt prize-winning opera singer, general director of the Operettszínház, at the Budapest press conference announcing performances in the following season. János Dénes Orbán said that love, fairy tales, humor and serious deep psychological questions also appear in the plays. The tunes of the production are based on folk music, the Csangó culture which was taken as a basis for the set, location and melodic world, emphasized Péter Pejtsik.

According to the Operetta Theater’s third new show is Imre Kálmán’s grand operetta A Circus Princess, staged by Zsolt Homonnay, on February 21. 2025., Zsolt Homonnay said that Imre Kálmán’s operetta includes dance, fun, humor and drama.

The general director also spoke about the fact that the operetta theater will continue to provide opportunities for young artists in the next season in the spirit of talent management and youth training. As part of this, the presentation of the graduating students of the Pest Broadway Studio of the Railway Music School will be staged, which will be a music-verse production called “Beyond the Maszat Mountain” – Túl a Maszat-hegyen by Gábor Presser and Dániel Varró, the play will be performed regularly next season.

Mentioning a couple of the next season, among others, Iván Szenes 100, The Magician of the Orfeum, Carmen, The Queen of the Tavern, The Country of Smiles, The Valiant János, Countess Marica, First Lieutenant Mária, Miska Magnás, Jekyll and Hyde. The Fiddler on the rooftop, performances of The Knight of La Mancha, The Count of Monte Cristo, Beauty and the Beast, and István the King, as well as The Nutcracker, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Sculptor, Poor Dzoni and Árnika, and Dangerous Relations production. In the next season, galas, coffee house discussions and many surprises await the audience, emphasized the director of the theater.

Riport and snaps by Aggie Reiter